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A helmet is no place to cut corners. That's why we don't. In fact, Simpson Helmets are legendary for their American made quality and breakthrough design and styling. Yet, you might be surprised at how many Simpson Helmets there are to choose from. There's a quality Simpson Helmet that's right for every driver, every form of motorsport and every budget. So when you choose a helmet, use your head. Choose Simpson.

stock Simpson helmen

The production off Simpson helmets takes 3 days, 50 separate processes, 50 quality control checks.

Helmet construction is coordinated in three separate processes: (1) the outer shell; (2) the BeadAll liner; (3) the inner liner, padding, and hardware. All helmets with the #8 after the model name have a NOMEX interior all helmets with the #7 after the model name have a NYLON interior.

Shell constructionShell construction begins with prototype design and testing. These are all hand processes. It may take years to develop a model that's put into production. When a design is finalized, custom-designed nickel molds each costing $15.000 a piece are built. Construction of the outer shell begins with a thin layer of gelcoat. Several laminating and curing steps follow, each with it's own quality checks. Simpson uses a custom-formulated resin: special glasses, including E-glass, carbon fiber, and Kevlar; plus other exotic fibers and weaves.BeadAll LinerThe liner in the crown or top of the helmet is the second line of defense. It's a job to absorb as much of the remaining energy as possible on primary and multiple impacts. Helmet liner materials over the past 20 year have been manufactured of polystyrene. Simpson pioneered the use of polypropylene and was the first to successfully mold it into a helmet. No small feat. It was known how to make flat sheets, but the technology for curved forms was undeveloped. Simpson developed a method to eliminate the gap between the shell and the liner. It was worth the effort. BeadAll, the polypropylene liner developed by Simpson, demonstrated it could reduce impact energy in the crown or top of the helmet. To get a personal demonstration of the difference between BeadAll and other foam, stick your fingernail into both. It'll make a permanent dent in polystyrene. The BeadAll liner will return to normal (attenuation). That's important when absorbing multiple impacts. The repeatability combined with superior impact absorption gives BeadAll its edge.Interior liners - Nomex or nylon, cheekpads, chinstraps, and hardware

While the outer shell and BeadAll liner are being constructed, the form-fitting inner liners, cheekpads, chinstraps, hardware, visors, self-extinguishing rubber are being manufactured and readied at the Simpson factory. Each inner Liner is constructed to fit precisely into each of Simpson's 20-plus helmet models. Some models are offered with an inner liner or either Nylon (suffix "7" i.e. Voyager 7) or Nomex (suffix "8" i.e. Voyager 8). Nylon is a manmade synthetic fabric that demonstrated excellent comfort and wear resistance but no fire resistance. The Nomex fabric used in Simpson Helmets also demonstrates excellent comfort and wear resistance, with the addition of fire resistant properties.

Nomex only by Dupont


What's one without the other? Nomex thermal technology manages the extremes of heat yet still delivers incredible durability and comfort - giving you the performance you want with the peace of mind that only Nomex delivers.

This high temperature resistant, man-made fiber will not sustain combustion in air and will not melt in the presence of flames. When exposed to intense heat, Nomex carbonizes and becomes thicker to provide a protective barrier between the heat source and the skin. This performance gives the wearer more time to escape the dangers of a life threatening flash fire. No amount of laundering, or wear and tear, can remove the flame resistance from apparel made of Nomex brand fiber. Nomex has a 30 year track record of successfully protecting wearers in a number of different occupations. From traditionally styled workwear for refinery, chemical plant and electric utility employees, to multi-layer garment systems for military jet pilots, firefighters, and race car drivers and their pit crews, Nomex takes the heat head on and enables the wearer to focus on the task at hand. In some jobs, what you wear can save your life. With its proven reliability and heritage, you can be secure knowing that Nomex will perform when it needs to so you can perform when you need to.



For the new millenium, Simpson introduces several significant breakthroughs in the application of advanced technologies and space age materials.

Although Simpson helmet technology continues to advance and break barriers, the one thing that hasn't changed is the fit and function you're accustomed to from Simpson. Simpson offers a helmet for every type of racer and every type of racing. Take a close look at your helmet and compare. At Simpson, you do the racin', we do the rest.

The following technological advancements are offered on models throughout the Simpson helmet line. Look for these advanced technologies on the model you select


Simpson's advanced materials and helmet manufacturing process that substantially reduces overall helmet weight. Now standard on all Simpson Helmets at no additional charge.


A two stage air induction system that splits forced air at the source into separate airflows to: (1) Reduce shield fogging (2) Circulate fresh air around the head and exhaust warm moist air from a ventilator on the crown.

The super shark speedway

Colour Stock sizes Price


PROMO: 350 €

Speedway Shark Features: shown with F/X 'Downforce Valence' extension.

Simpson's exclusive "Boundary Layer Design" Stall strips (which go right to the rear of the helmet) and vents control air stream to reduce lift and buffeting.
Simpson's exclusive "Gill" system aids in reducing lift and buffeting while increasing cooling.
Standard .125 Lexan shield. Smoked and polarized shields available separately.
Exclusive impact absorbing one-piece BeadAll liner.
Form-fitting (fire retarding) Nomex interior.
Helmet restraint hardware installed, Twin finger tabs.
'Gill Vents' to stabilize the helmet ride in all conditions.
Lightweight aerodynamic T-38 Technology shell.
Total cool air circulation system with adjustable forehead vents and air ram ducts on chin and cheeks.
Snell 90 approved.
Made in the USA, available in white , black (extra charge).



Colour Stock sizes Price


PROMO: 200 €

flat black


PROMO: 200 €

Meets Snell and DOT standards
Enlarged eye port area
Air ram duct vents in front for improved air circulation
Top vents with shut offs
Clear shield standard
  Colors: White, Black & Platinum (extra charge)
  Only Snell 2005 in stock



Colour Stock sizes Price
Glossy black


PROMO: 350 €

Anatomically contoured eyeport produces snug fit around eyes and nose. Fitted with BeadAll and Nomex Liner.
Air ram ducts on the chin. Recessed shell for tightly fitting visor 0.125" Lexan Visor opens with built in thumb tabs.

RX 8 Features:

Contoured eyeport fits snugly around eyes and nose.
Air ram ducts on chin and cheeks for air circulation.
Standard .125 Lexan shield. Smoked and polarized shields available separately.
Exclusive impact absorbing one-piece BeadAll liner.
Form-fitting (fire retarding) Nomex interior.
Helmet restraint hardware installed.
Built-in thumb tab.
Adjustable tear off posts.
Colors White, Black (extra charge).
Snell 90 and ECE approved, weight 1530 gram.
Made in the USA.




Colour Stock sizes Price
Dull black


PROMO: 320 €

Air ram ducts in chin provide air circulation.
Standard .125 clear Lexan shield opens with thumb tab.
Optional Smoked, polarized and high resol amber shields available separately.
Adjustable tear off posts.
Exclusive impact absorbing one-piece BeadAll liner.
Colors: White, Black (extra charge).
Meets with Snell M 00 & ECE standards
Special street styled Aerodynamic Counter Measures (ACM) stabilize helmet.



Diamondback 129

Colour Stock sizes Price


PROMO: 450 €



PROMO: 450 €

Flat Black


PROMO: 450 €


Aggressive and Mean. The Diamondback's futuristic design elements command attention with a unique diamond pattern crown design and contrasting vent screens in the Chin Air Ram Ducts.
Unique Chin Bar and Crowndesign, Lightweight Carbon, Kevlar and Fiberglass composite shell, diamondpattern crown design
Chin air ram ducts withdistinct contrasting vents
Helmet is pre-marked for Hanspost clips
Exclusive impact absorbing one-piece BeadAll liner.
Aerodynamic Counter Measures(A.C.M.) for increased stability


--------------------------- HELMET SIZING CHART ------------------------------                     
HAT SIZE  INCH AROUND   CM   SHOEI/BELL   ARAI     BIEFFE   * NOTE:                                
6 1/2        20 1/2     52       XS                           ALL SIMPSON                          
6 5/8                   53       XS        SM                 HELMETS ARE                          
6 3/4        21 1/4     54      XS/SM      SM         XS      SOLD BY HAT                          
6 7/8        21 5/8     55       SM       SM/MD       SM      SIZE.                                
7            22         56      SM/MD      MD         SM                                           
7 1/8        22 1/2     57       MD       MD/LG       MD                                           
7 1/4        22 7/8     58      MD/LG      LG         MD                                           
7 3/8        23 1/4     59       LG       LG/XL       LG                                           
7 1/2        23 5/8     60      LG/XL      XL         LG                                           
7 5/8        24         61       XL       XL/XXL      XL                                           
7 3/4        24 1/2     62      XL/XXL     XXL        XL                                           
7 7/8                   63       XXL                  XXL                                          
To measure correct helmet size, measure around the head, like a headband,
one inch above the eyebrows and match inch measurement to chart.
If between sizes, go to next larger size